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Properties Config

The Properties Config is an object passed as an optional prop to the <CommonProperties< React object containing the following fields:

  • containerType string: type of container to display the properties, can be “Modal”, “Tearsheet”, or “Custom”. default: "Custom"

  • rightFlyout boolean: If set to true, groups will be displayed as an accordion. If false, groups are displayed as tabs. default: false

  • applyOnBlur boolean: calls applyPropertyChanges when focus leave Common Properties. default: false

  • disableSaveOnRequiredErrors boolean: Disable the properties editor “save” button if there are required errors

  • enableResize boolean: adds a button that allows the right-side fly-out editor to expand/collapse between small and medium sizes. default: true

  • conditionReturnValueHandling string: used to determine how hidden or disabled control values are returned in applyPropertyChanges callback. Current options are “value” or “null”. default: "value"

  • buttonLabels object:

    • primary string: Label to use for the primary button of the properties dialog
    • secondary string: Label to use for the secondary button of the properties dialog
  • heading boolean: show heading and heading icon in right-side fly-out panels. default: false

  • showHeadingDesc boolean: When set to true, it will display a tooltip containing a description and a button that redirects to the provided URL in help. The default value is false.

  • schemaValidation boolean: If set to true, schema validation will be enabled when a parameter definition has been set in CommonProperties. Any errors found will be reported on the browser dev console. It is recommended you run with schema validation switched on while in development mode.

  • applyPropertiesWithoutEdit boolean: When true, will always call applyPropertyChanges even if no changes were made. default: false

  • maxLengthForMultiLineControls number - maximum characters allowed for multi-line string controls like textarea. default: 1024

  • maxLengthForSingleLineControls number - maximum characters allowed for single-line string controls like textfield. default: 128

  • convertValueDataTypes boolean - Default false. If set to true, currentParameter values whose data type does not match what is defined in the parameter definitions will be converted to the specified data type.

  • trimSpaces boolean - Default true. If set to false, condition ops(isEmpty, isNotEmpty) and required fields are allowed to only contain spaces without triggering condition errors.

  • showRequiredIndicator boolean - Default true to show (required) indicator. If set to false, show (optional) indicator next to properties label.

  • showAlertsTab boolean - Default true to show “Alerts” tab whenever there are error or warning messages. If set to false, Alerts tab won’t be displayed.

  • returnValueFiltering array - Default []. When set this will filter out any values in the array in the parameters returned when applyPropertyChanges is call. Only primitive data types are currently supported.

  • categoryView string - View categories in right-flyout. Can be "accordions" or "tabs". default: "accordions".