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Internal common-canvas actions

Internal actions can be generated by the user either:

  • Clicking a toolbar button or
  • Clicking an option in a context menu or context toobar or
  • Pressing a keyboard shortcut key(s) or
  • Doing some direct manipulation like dragging one or more objects

Some actions can be generated from different sources. For example, the deleteSelectedObjects action can be generated by the user:

  • Clicking the trash can icon in the toolbar or
  • Pressing the Delete key or
  • Clicking the Delete option in a context menu.

In each case, the action generates calls to the beforeEditActionHandler callback and then the editActionHandler callback. For each callback, the editType field of the first parameter will be set to one of the actions listed below.

These are the intenal actions:

Action Name Notes
createNode Create a new node on the canvas at a location identifed by the user
createNodeOnLink Creates a new node and inserts it into a link the palette node was dropped on
createNodeAttachLinks Creates a new node and attaches it to the detached link the palette node was dropped on
createAutoNode Creates a node at an appropriate position and, if possible, make a connection to an adjacent node
insertNodeIntoLink Inserts a node from the canvas into the link it was dropped on
attachNodeToLinks Attaches a node to one or more detached links it was dropped on
setNodeLabel Sets the node label
setNodeLabelEditingMode Puts a node label into eiting mode
disconnectNode Removes all links to the selected node
createSuperNode Creates an internal supernode
createSuperNodeExternal Creates an external supernode
deconstructSuperNode Removes a supernode and puts its contents into the canvas in its place
expandSuperNodeInPlace Expands a supernode to view the sub-flow in-place
collapseSuperNodeInPlace Collapses an in-place supernode to a regular node size
convertSuperNodeExternalToLocal Converts an external supernode to an internal one
convertSuperNodeLocalToExternal Converts an internal supernode to an external one
displaySubPipeline Displays a sub-flow in full-page mode so it fills the viewport
displayPreviousPipeline Displays the parent flow from the one currently being viewed
loadPipelineFlow Loads a pipeline from an external source
createComment Creates a new comment on the canvas at a location identifed by the user
createAutoComment Creates a node at an appropriate position on the canvas
commentsToggle Toggles the comments between hide and show
commentsHide Hides all comments on the canvas
commentsShow Shows all comments on the canvas
setCommentEditingMode Puts a comment into eiting mode
Canvas Objects
moveObjects Moves one or more selected objects to a new position on the canvas
resizeObjects Resizes a node or comment
setObjectsStyle Sets the style property of one or more nodes/comments
colorSelectedObjects Colors the background of the selected objects
deleteSelectedObjects Deletes the selected objects
selectAll Selects all canvas objects
updateLink Updates the link info for detached links
editComment Changes the comment text, position and dimension info
linkNodes Creates a link between two nodes
linkNodesAndReplace Creates a link between two nodes and relaces any exiting link to the target node
linkComment Creates a link from a comment to a node
createDetachedLink Create a link from a node to a point on the canvas
setLinksStyle Sets the style property of one or more links
deleteLink Deletes a link
editDecorationLabel Puts a label decoration into edit mode
Arrange nodes
arrangeHorizontally Arranges the nodes across the page from left to right
arrangeVertically Arranges the nodes down the page from top to bottom
paletteToggle Toggles the palette between opened and closed
paletteOpen Opens the palette (left flyout)
paletteClose Closes the palette (left flyout)
saveToPalette Saves the selected object into the palette
toggleNotificationPanel Toggles the notification panel between opened and closed
openNotificationPanel Opens the notification panel
closeNotificationPanel Closes the notification panel
cut Cuts the selected canvas objects onto the clipboard
copy Copies the selected canvas objects onto the clipboard
paste Pates the contents of the clipboard onto the canvas
Command Stack
undo Undoes the previous command on the command stack
redo Redoes the next comment on the command stack
highlightBranch Highlights all upstream and downstream nodes from the one selected
highlightDownstream Highlights all upstream and downstream nodes from the one selected
highlightUpstream Highlights all upstream and downstream nodes from the one selected
unhighlight Unhighlights all previously highlighted nodes
zoomIn Zooms the canvas in by one step
zoomOut Zooms the canvas out by one step
zoomToFit Zooms so all the canvas objects are visible in the viewport
setZoom Sets the zoom based on the enableSaveZoom config setting

Action names with built in icons

If you use any of the following action names, Common Canvas will automatically display an appropriate Carbon icon for that action either if it appears as a button in the toolbar or if it appears in the overflow menu.

Action Carbon Icon
stop StopFilledAlt
run Play
undo Undo
redo Redo
cut Cut
copy Copy
paste Paste
clipboard Result
createComment AddComment
createAutoComment AddComment
setCommentEditingMode Edit
setNodeLabelEditingMode Edit
commentsShow Chat
commentsHide ChatOff
colorBackground ColorPalette
deleteLink TrashCan
deleteSelectedObjects TrashCan
zoomIn ZoomIn
zoomOut ZoomOut
zoomToFit CenterToFit
arrangeHorizontally ArrangeHorizont
arrangeVertically ArrangeVertical
toggleNotificationPanel NotificationCounter
paletteOpen OpenPanelFilledLeft
paletteClose OpenPanelFilledLeft
paletteToggle OpenPanelFilledLeft
expandSuperNodeInPlace Maximize
collapseSuperNodeInPlace Minimize
displaySubPipeline Launch